23.07.20 Pt 1 - Why are conspiracy theories and people like David Icke so intriguing? Birthdays in lockdown are no good - it's weird watching your cousin eat cake via Zoom. It looks like The Offspring were right: the kids aren't alright - they hacked Bill Gates' Twitter. Kim Jong Un has declared that August is no longer in Jada. Also, what should constitute “fake news”?

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22.07.20 Pt 2 - Human nature dictates that people hate anybody who isn't as perfect as they are. There are names that Gord describes as 'basic white girl names' - but should they define a person's life? Gareth's car is sold, but is he happy? Is the best relationship one where you don't love the person, but you don't hate them either? Speaking of which, Amber Heard is a vengeful turd.

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22.07.20 Pt 1 - If your ancestors hibernated, they probably used squirrels to, er, plug the back door. Conversely, if they lived in Africa, they danced often. Don’t take our word for it, this is science. On another evolutionary note, rabbits had feathers! And as if shopping wasn’t awful enough, it's costly to park too - we’re doing our shopping online from now on.

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21.07.20 Pt 2 - If you want to protest in favour of restaurants and booze coming back into your life, go and protest... just don't expect good service at your table. If you get a delivery from FedEx, get your bulletproof vest on before opening the door. Ronen Aires, founder of Student Village, joins us to discuss the tools millennials were born with which equip them to deal with a growing digital reality.

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21.07.20 Pt 1 - Sleeping is not a skill, stop telling us how much sleep you get per night... what do you want - a Nobel prize? Turns out one of America's founding fathers was a philanderer. Katharine Hepburn embodied celebrity at its finest. What is it about death in Covid that we are struggling with? Kanye West is unravelling, and people are enjoying it.

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20.07.20 Pt 2 - Should it scare us that conspiracy theories are less ludicrous than government actions? If you speak to somebody, surely it doesn't mean you endorse everything they believe, or does it? If you buy nice stuff in lockdown, what's the point... who are you going to show it off to? Snacking and laziness kill more than Covid. Palesa Lengolo, author of 'Stokvels: How they can make your money work for you', joins us to discuss South Africa's economic secret weapon.

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20.07.20 Pt 1 - Old people need their vowels to be said out loud. Wolves would be embarrassed by their descendants which we feed and clothe. Should you take series recommendations from friends? The booze ban and the booze bags are now being joined by the booze brass in protest. Morning glory is okay... unless you're not used to it. What lengths would you go to, to win an argument?

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17.07.20 Pt 2 - The Kalvari/Mol beef can be laid to rest, nothing to see here. Sleep is a science, start doing the work. If you want to have swagger, maybe dress in MAGA. The new Ford Bronco is out, only makes sense for OJ Simpson to be the ambassador... The Juice is loose! Nicolene Holtzhausen of Headway Gauteng joins us to tell us about raising funds for First Responders for Mandela Day. For details click here.

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17.07.20 Pt 1 - Just to be clear, in South Africa when we party with you while you're alive, we're just practising for when you die... after tears are the best tears. What would you pay for movie memorabilia? People are queuing for porn, plus the Germans are here, but not to worry it's not like 1939 - they're going to keep the lights on this time. President at the International Him Soo Do Association, Shane Comley-White, joins us to tell us about the pleasures of martial arts.

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16.07.20 Pt 2 - Kanye West has dropped his Presidential campaign, proving once again that it ain't easy to become President Yeezy. If we just cut out the orgies and pole licking, maybe the Covid rate might drop. Al Gore hated Bill Clinton because of the ‘blue dress’ incident, how did that work out for him? A friendship of 40 years has ended for Kanthan... find out why right here.

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