Timothy speaks to a senior communications strategist about a new philosophy and behavioural trend called ‘Joyconomy’, which brands and leaders can influence how happy and joyful you feel, and offer an antidote to this stressful and chaotic world we live in.

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Timothy sits down with Embodiment Consultant and Storytelling Strategist, Colin Skelton, and they explore how the body influences the brain, and how to get more out of your brain by understanding the power of your body.

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Timothy shares the science of the Fresh Start effect, a behavioural science principle, and offers 3 strategies on how to implement this into your life.

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Cleopatra VII lived at a great intersection of history... where Ancient Egypt, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome collided. She was undoubtedly one of the personalities of the age - and a woman of tremendous power and influence. While the story ended in Shakespearean tragedy, to have seen history unfold through her eyes was to have a front row seat to the destiny of the world.

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Timothy shares the story of Charles Henderson... the man who went from using and selling drugs, to graduating from both The Wharton School and Harvard Business School. They are joined by Dr Colleen Lightbody as they explore the power and brain lessons from Charles’ courageous story about becoming a leading human behaviour thought leader and change management consultant. They explore 5 human and brain insights from his 'Heroin to Harvard' journey that you can apply to your influence journey.

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Timothy Maurice speaks with international author Kate Emmerson. Kate is the author of 'Clear Your Clutter', and she shares four inspiring tips to help you clear mental and physical clutter to equip you to overcome procrastination, feel more at peace, shift your life in the direction of your heart’s desires and ultimately, to become more focused as you build your personal and professional influence strategy.

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As an American, Timothy Maurice shares one simple key behavioural psychology insight that merges both his experience in America with his studies in Behavioural Sciences. In this episode, he unpacks one key idea that you should take away from the US Election in order to win over people when you need support for your ideas, leadership goals, to reach consumers and much more.

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Timothy decides to repurpose the social research he did in New York to flip the question to interrogate what you are known for, and how the story you are known for can impact your influence and ultimately what you become. You can become intentional about engineering a link between your internal value and your perceived value, that will strengthen your networks and attract more opportunity.

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Timothy Maurice speaks with Neuroscientist and Senior Lecturer at MIT, Dr Tara Swart, about her latest book, The Source, which explores the science of the Law of Attraction and what she terms Action Boards, commonly known as Vision Boards. Her book has been translated into more than 30 languages. Dr Swart unpacks why developing action boards can be so powerful in this moment in history.

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Eva Perón was born poor, unimportant and ordinary, but she was ambitious. Her ambition was so great that it propelled her into power, influence, glamour and wealth. By the time she died at only 33, she received one of the most ostentatious funerals ever held - and ever since, Argentina has considered her a saint.

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