20.07.20 Pt 1 - Old people need their vowels to be said out loud. Wolves would be embarrassed by their descendants which we feed and clothe. Should you take series recommendations from friends? The booze ban and the booze bags are now being joined by the booze brass in protest. Morning glory is okay... unless you're not used to it. What lengths would you go to, to win an argument?

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16.07.20 Pt 1 - A witch's nipples are always the coldest when facing the South apparently. Are there certain names which should just be retired and left behind... yes Reginald, we mean you. Have you ever thought about humiliation porn at 'Pussy's Tavern'? The Jackson family have just become weirder, yes that's possible.

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23.04.20 Pt 1 - Turns out Damon's mom isn't a scientist, and lemon in hot water isn't a real vaccine for Covid-19. What have you found yourself doing more than ever? Are you getting value for money with the schooling system? Imagine living in lockdown and being a brother, father, husband and chemist... what a time to be alive. And why are people launching satellites during lockdown?

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31.03.20 Pt 2 - In the times of a pandemic lockdown, how do the arts survive? Can theatre and musicians make it through these testing times? The most vulnerable in our society need all the empathy we can give them at this time... if you are an addict, what are your options to stay sober and connect with support structures? Academia needs to keep going of course, and technology is playing its part. We reconnect with our Epson entrepreneurs for more lessons on how to succeed with your small business. King Henry VIII was a man of hedonistic excess like we have rarely seen - Blind History this week details the wives and women of Henry's vicious hegemony.

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