13.05.22 Pt 1 - Sureshnie Rieder is our special guest co-host and she opens up about being a hoarder, and how she has a zoo in her backyard. Who still writes letters these days? Gareth does, and he is horrified about how much it costs to send one!

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This week the team speaks to Shai Friedland - a clinical psychologist working from a cognitive behavioural perspective - to find out more about the psychology behind people's compulsions to collect things, and when it could potentially become a problem. Brought to you by The South African Gold Coin Exchange (SAGCE) & The Scoin Shop.

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31.01.22 Pt 2 - The conversation goes all over the place as the guys talk about orgasms, suggestions on who to next cover on Blind History, and what freedom of speech really looks like. Psychologist Shai Friedland joins the team to talk about the difference between collecting and hoarding.

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This week Cobus Scholtz joins the team to talk about his matchbox collection. He started collecting from when he was 14 years old. He now has collections that run into the millions… from matchboxes to cigarette memorabilia. He admits it takes up space and all needs to be neatly packed, but that is the difference between collecting and being a hoarder, in his opinion. Brought to you by The South African Gold Coin Exchange (SAGCE) & The Scoin Shop.

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It’s time to do some spring cleaning and get rid of the things you are hoarding... from old receipts, to that broken vase you thought you would fix, and anything else you don’t use.

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27.11.20 Pt 2 - Listen, people let's get it straight... your life is hard, but could we maybe show a level of respect for lives that are objectively hard - your favourite nightclub closing is not a hard life. If you have a family you hate, do you care if they are dead? There's a delicate balance between being a collector and a hoarder... be careful Russian Doll lady! Let's be honest, parents have a favourite child, if this upsets you, it's because you were not the favourite - too bad, too sad! Kevin Derrick of Creative Rides joins us to discuss the sale of legendary car collector Louis Coetzer's incredible collection.

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