How much does your mental state affect your physical health? Dr Hanan says you should always question what you put into your body - from the medication you take, to the food you eat.

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Did you know that what you eat can have a profound impact on your brain health? Dr Mark dives into this fascinating world of nutrition and its direct link to our cognitive well-being with his guests, nutritionist Nicci Robertson and RN Elize van Aardt. Brought to you by the T-Clinic.

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What are the most common cancers in women, and what do you need to be looking out for? Join Dr Mark and RN Elize van Aardt as they discuss women and cancer - what you should know. Brought to you by the T-Clinic.

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We all know the symptoms of menopause, from mood swings to hot flushes - but do we understand the importance of hormones that are at optimum balance during this transformative phase? Dr Mark and RN Elize van Aardt share insights that will leave you ready to embrace the true essence of menopause. Brought to you by the T-Clinic.

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What is menopause, and how long does one have to deal with it? This week, Dr Mark and RN Elize Van Aardt dive into the topic of understanding menopause. They look at how long it can last and what to expect. Brought to you by the T-Clinic.

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Is a lifestyle change the answer to curbing metabolic diseases? Dr Mark continues the conversation about understanding metabolic diseases with RN Elize Van Aardt and RN Helena Hamer. Brought to you by the T-Clinic.

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When should you go visit an optometrist? This week it’s an eye-opening episode with Dr Mark and his guest, Dr Brian van Onselen (ophthalmologist) as they talk about the importance of eye screening. Brought to you by the T-Clinic.

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Did you know that the average male penis is getting longer? This week, Dr Mark and RN Elize Van Aardt look at the male anatomy - its function, the ways that it works, common myths and misconceptions, and much more! Brought to you by the T-Clinic.

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This week Dr Mark is joined by gut expert Stacey Holland, RN Elize Van Aardt, and Hadie Bahula - Education Manager of Ascendis Consumer Brands, to discuss the different supplement benefits with SOLAL.

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Being able to read and understand your body is extremely important. This week, patients from The T-Clinic have a candid conversation with Dr Mark about their hormone optimisation journey.

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