Is chasing rabbits in an economy like South Africa’s detrimental to society? Should Ernst Roets appeal the current verdict of the hate speech case involving a notorious struggle song? And are coalitions a positive for the country going forward?

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Ernst Roets and Leeto Nthoba join The Burning Platform to discuss the outcome of the hate speech case regarding the song, ‘Kill the Boer’. Are we as a country taking on cases that we cannot afford in this economic climate? And what does the future hold when it comes to coalitions?

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After the controversial AfriForum vs the EFF case came to an end yesterday, Gareth explains the definitions of hate speech vs offensive speech... and why he thinks the verdict might be a good thing. What does this outcome potentially mean for future hate speech cases?

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26.08.22 Pt 1 - Forget about Facebook reminding you about old posts, Gareth still has pictures of his exes in his house! Would you allow someone else to write your child’s 21st birthday speech? And Leigh-Ann shares how she once farted in front of her family lawyers.

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