Timothy shares research from a Harvard Happiness Researcher, about what happens to your brain after practising 21 days of gratitude. He then shares his own research, where he puts his friends and others in his professional network to a gratitude test.

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17.12.21 Pt 2 - If you have a life insurance policy, is it a good idea to share who the beneficiary is? Tumi thinks Americans overshare, as it was reported that the guys who went to space recently broke the toilet and now have to wear adult nappies. Leigh-Ann shares her obsession with reality TV, as the team chats to SA’s original bachelor - Lee Thompson.

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08.10.21 Pt 1 - Gareth starts the show with a bit of a rant about having too many things on your desktop, which leads to the discovery that there’s a National Clean Your Virtual Desktop Day! Mbulelo heard that there’s a witch roaming around the forest... and Leigh-Ann shares how a new study reveals the evolutionary reason why women feel colder than men.

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