Timothy Maurice explores happiness through the brain. This episode will help you reimagine what it means to be happy, and then design new ways to help you maintain a happiness mindset. He also shares his grassroots research about happiness.

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This week Happiness joins the show to get some help from Dr Hanan Bushkin about dating, and why she seems to attract men who are only physically interested in her. He explains how important it is to have a vetting process to find exactly what you are looking for.

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12.09.22 Pt 1 - Why are South African musicians going broke after their fame is over? Mash opened an OnlyFans and got banned a few hours later! And Dr Hanan Bushkin gives a listener advice on the importance of having a dating vetting process.

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Is it normal for one to always be happy? Should it be considered as the default mood? Gareth opens up the show with a monologue that challenges how people are in the pursuit of happiness.

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Pt 1 - It's not every day that social media gives you a gem of knowledge! Lebang Kgosana shares how to live a better life, from the most toxic place of all - TWITTER... and how to stop robbing yourself of happiness.

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Timothy shares 3 behavioural design ideas, as well as conversations and research with strangers, about what makes them happy.

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Dr Hanan Bushkin joins the team to have a candid conversation about mental health and the impact of the Covid-19 vaccine. He advises that people shouldn't wait for happiness, but should dance while the music is playing... and the importance of being able to adjust to new situations that may occur in your life.

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20.04.21 Pt 1 - The show starts off on a good note as Micheal Flax shares how he woke up to an email that left him smiling. Gareth and Siya don’t seem to see eye-to-eye when it comes to hitting rock bottom and how it builds character. Between Prince Philip’s funeral and Prince Harry’s wedding, which one do you think got the most ratings?

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16.10.20 Pt 2 - Is moving furniture around your house the height of OCD? As we all know, only the devil's children play Dungeons & Dragons. Dating a gamer means you'll always be second best. If your ex sees you while they're with their ex, do you cry in your car... or just drink your sorrows away in a dark room?

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Timothy Maurice hit the streets and asked over 100 people if they are happy. He also solicited voice notes from around the world about happiness. Along with the insights he gathers from people on the street, he shares the latest research about the science of happiness... with the hopes that you will challenge and evolve your definition of what it means to be happy as the world becomes increasingly complex.

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