01.04.20 Pt 1 - What do most people do with the extra time they have during a pandemic? If you can't sleep, it's cool, anxiety is real... don't feel too bad. Cyril Ramaphoria's jacket was way too short on the arms, is he lifting heavy or is it just a bad tailor job? Petrol will be dropping during lockdown, but what use is that to us? What profound lessons has Gord learned during the lockdown? Licking trolleys is not cool people, it's crazy that we have to do a PSA about that!

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25.03.20 Pt 2 - Social media has ironically become a cesspool in a time when people are forced to use it to be social... maybe we should return to cat videos and nothing more. In a week where the world lost Kenny Rogers and Sol Kerzner, the big focus is actually this: who would you prefer nudes from - Gord Laws or Kim Kardashian? And Rich Mulholland suggests how it is possible to be post-coronavirus proof!

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18.03.20 Pt 2 - Big Brother Germany has really created magical television by telling the unsuspecting housemates about Covid-19. There was a seminal moment where for a second it sounded like Gareth was giving Damon a compliment, touching stuff. Mel Brooks’ son has a social distancing video for the ages. The following events might sound related, but they are not… Amanda Bynes is pregnant and Pornhub premium is now free in Italy. We then talk about entrepreneurship with Linda Moeketsi, Sibu Mabena and Roxy Ferreira on #EpsonEntrepreneur.

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17.03.20 Pt 1 - If you have a cold, you are dying... just accept that. In times when children have to be off school, au pairs should charge 10 times more than usual, supply and demand. As Covid-19 lockdowns rise, what personal projects will you take on board which you had put on ice? Gord Laws didn’t wear a shirt on his Instagram post, how should we feel about shirtless videos on Instagram? Panic buying is off the charts in South Africa, which means all toilet paper is off the shelves! And Gideon Vorster joins us from China to give us a Covid-19 update.

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11.03.20 Pt 2 - Should we give our kids better quality poetry to read, or is that what iPads and YouTube are for? Does being nice matter at all? Donald Trump has just crushed the Democrats on Twitter before going to bed. Our loyal listener Vinnie rocked the show, he got a message on Facebook which revealed a secret that was hidden for 15 years. What would you do if you found out you have a twin at 12 years old? Gord did yoga... he didn’t poo. The brilliant Dr Shakira Choonara attempts to educate us, but all that happens is she gets suggestions from morons.

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11.03.20 Pt 1 - Is death your only salvation, or is touching your penis the only nirvana available on Earth? Are there good reasons to change your mind, or should everything be a good idea? What’s the best case scenario once you kick the bucket? Is language yours, or can the kids move it further down the line and use LOL in board meetings in 2035? Tattoos are great, but flesh holes are just too far, aren't they? Putin and zombies are here to stay past 2024.

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04.03.20 Pt 2 - Gareth cut his finger while trying to be Gordon Ramsay. When a fat white guy is twerking, should we shame or encourage him? A drunk hand job can tear your foreskin and also kill you in your sleep. Brad Pitt looks great in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, the movie is not bad either. Is there a length of movie that’s just too long? The best advice you’ll ever get is that you shouldn’t plan a murder while taking acid. The Consul General of the People's Republic of China, Mr Tang updates us about the situation with coronavirus in China.

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04.03.20 Pt 1 - How long should it take you to remember a work colleague’s name? What is Harry going to wear in public now that he can’t wear his uniform anymore. If you break up with someone should it be in person, or is a letter good enough? Are human relations getting better or worse? God loves the Pope... except for when he dies. And Biden is back in the game!

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