Head of Strategic Engagement at the IRR, Sara Gon joins the team to share her opposing views with Phumi and Gareth regarding the DA. They define what they consider as mainstream media, have a candid conversation about the shrinkage of the economy, and Eskom implementing stage 2 load-shedding. Brought to you by Nando’s.

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11.03.21 Pt 2 - Gareth, Phumi and Sara Gon (Head of Strategic Engagement at the IRR) have an in-depth conversation about their opposing views when it comes to the DA. They share their thoughts about the 7% shrinkage of the South African economy, stage 2 load-shedding, and what they consider as mainstream media.

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We’re in a bear market now, that’s not great news. In the USA, central banks will cut interest rates and pump “easy money” into the system. We saw quantitative easing in 2008, and what did the banks do then? Sasol are struggling, but do we just need to calm down? As an investor, when is the best time to buy/sell shares? Anthea gives her post Covid-19 hopes for South African consumers.

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20.02.20 Pt 2 - Mhlanganisi Madlongolwana - say that twice without tripping up. The man with a tongue twister title says he is an analyst in recovery, and he didn’t realise that in his sabbatical he’d find American working class reality shows are his vice. Kanthan's expectations for Cyril have dropped, he’s given him one job... nothing more Cyril, focus! Is Bernie Sanders’ greatest life achievement having a post office named after him?

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