It has a 6,000 year track record, and you can invest as little as R1 to get a piece of it! The Gareth Cliff Show team discuss gold’s innate value, the science of gold, as well as its many uses. This precious metal has a rich history... find out why it's such a great investment. Brought to you by Troy Gold.

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It’s time to replace FOMO with JOMO - from fear of missing out to the joy of missing out! Saying "no" to buying something when we’re being enticed to buy out of a fear of missing out is probably one of the most important lessons a kid can learn. Gareth Cliff and the team chat about their own experiences of buying out of FOMO, and how it cost them more in the long run. Brought to you by Coronation – an authorised financial services provider - where they see through the seen to the unseen, which helps us grow our money.

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You’re scrolling on social media and notice a friend raving about a limited offer luxury holiday package they got their hands on. Feeling a bit left out that you didn’t see this half-price deal, you click on the picturesque image that accompanied the original advert. You see there are now just three spots left, and that 8 other people are looking! Excited, you open your weather app to see what clothes you should pack for this unexpected break. It’s clearly not the best time of year to visit that city. And the hotel is located far from the key attractions. You realise the unseen truth is that it may end up costing a lot more than the all-inclusive price tag implies. And in any case, you haven’t budgeted for an overseas holiday this year...

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Have you noticed how we’re inundated with ads about unbeatable savings and red hot offers - basically trying to get us to spend money out of impulse or convenience? But this is actually simply spending (which is the unseen) disguised as saving (the seen). July is National Savings Month and Coronation is encouraging South Africans to think about how they are spending their money, possibly on things that we really don’t need or without even realising we are doing it. Gareth Cliff and team share stories about what they’ve all spent money on - realising afterwards it was ridiculous and ended up costing more...

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You’re about to go to bed as a notification flashes on your mobile screen. You see it’s a clearance sale, valid only until midnight. It occurs to you that it is probably the 10th invitation to spend to reach you today. You resist the temptation to buy anything and you wonder if you are perhaps spending money without even realising it. So you open your banking app and look through your monthly debit orders. Within the first three line-items, you identify at least one subscription that you can’t even remember signing up for. You also seem to have been doing a lot of app purchases. You had no idea your money was going towards so many unnecessary expenses. So you decide to take action...

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July is National Savings Month and Coronation is encouraging South Africans to save more in the true sense... by putting money aside every month instead of spending it. Are we saving in the true sense of the word? Or are we simply spending disguised as saving? Gareth, Phumi and Siya explore how easy it is to fall into the trap of spending money on something we don’t even need out of impulse or for convenience. If you put away any extra money – in the long term, it really can make a lifetime of difference. The real saving is in NOT buying discounted items that you don’t actually need. Brought to you by Coronation - an authorised financial services provider.

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You’re at work. Your mobile pings that you’ve just been paid. A few minutes later you receive an email from your favourite online store, promoting payday specials. Feeling cash flush, you scroll through the deals. There’s a limited offer to ‘save 25%’ just for today so you have to move fast. You add an item to your basket. You proceed to the checkout. While you hover over the ‘buy now’ button, you remember that your monthly debit orders are scheduled for tomorrow. And it occurs to you that you are about to spend money that could be channelled elsewhere. You empty your cart and get back to work...

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This is last in the Coronation #LetsBeHonest conversations that we’ve been having all week - from office talk, to small talk, to sweet little lies, to the things said by both men and women which may mean something completely different. Next time anyone says, “We must meet for coffee sometime” or “No offence but” or “I’ll be there in five minutes” - send us a wink. We'll both know exactly what they really mean. So, let’s just be honest. Say what you mean and do what you say - that is the core of integrity! Brought to you by Coronation - an authorised financial services provider.

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Men are from Venus and women are from Mars? Do you think this is true? When she says “I’m fine” or “We need to talk”... what does she really mean. And when he says “I’m not ready to be in a relationship” or “You deserve better than me,” he actually means something completely different. Join Gareth, Phumi and Siya as they unpack some of the intricacies of the common phrases used by men and women when they talk to each other. Brought to you by Coronation - an authorised financial services provider.

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Would you, or someone you know, like to be the beneficiary of one of 20 copywriting bursaries to be provided through the Association for Communication and Advertising (ACA)? In developing the industry and continuing to raise its bar, the ACA's Chief Executive Officer Mathe Okabo chats to Gareth and the team about offering three-year academic bursaries to study copywriting at the AAA School of Advertising.

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