Our favourite motoring expert, George Mienie joins the team to inform us how it might be cheaper to buy a horse than gas, bears getting much smarter, and why there’s a massive recall on Mercedes-Benz vehicles. Powered by AutoTrader.

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Abdominal cramping, diarrhea, and constipation are symptoms of frequent bloating or gas. Dr Mark and Stacey Holland talk about the gut and dysbiosis. Brought to you by the T-Clinic.

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There’s arguably never been a more important time to look at energy in Africa. In this edition of The Burning Platform, the team speaks to an expert on this matter. NJ Ayuk has spent two decades negotiating African oil and gas deals, and now has a grasp of the continent's energy landscape that few can match. He shares why Africa's fledgling natural gas industry can become an international powerhouse, how the continent can improve its notoriously unreliable, economy-sapping power industry, why American energy companies should stop curtailing their investments in Africa, and why the continent's energy industry needs more women. Brought to you by Nando’s.

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17.06.21 Pt 2 - A leading authority in the African energy sector, and a strong advocate for African entrepreneurship and the indigenous energy sector, NJ Ayuk joins the team to discuss where the future of oil, gas and other energy lies in Africa.

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We have only one life and only one place to live it - so it makes sense to look after the third rock from the sun. We’re constantly searching for better energy sources, with gas putting its hand up as a viable alternative to hydrocarbons for a number of applications. If you’ve been considering a transition from the grid to a hybrid or gas solution for your energy needs, visit The Gas Company for all your options and the best advice. Brought to you by The Gas Company.

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Is our reliance on the state a good or a bad thing, and how does one manage this delicate balance of co-existence and mutual toil? Is banning a constructive way to move society forward? Do people have the right to be horrible? The systemic lockdowns undertaken globally during Covid-19... could they have been done in a better way? Is going off the grid a viable option for most of us who need energy supply for our daily lifestyles? Brought to you by The Gas Company.

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Where does the concept of wokeness come from? Might there be a link between religion and the woke movement of our times? Is there an alternative to virtue signalling when looking for progress in terms of social justice? Are we at a breaking point when it comes to the ever tenuous bind between Western democracy and the need to serve an ever-growing list of individualistic needs? What are the possible consequences of the current woke movement? Brought to you by The Gas Company.

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