They say moving from one place to another - the packing of boxes, clearing of storerooms, throwing out of things you forgot you even had - is one of the most stressful things you get to do in the course of your life. I don’t agree...

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After the frenetic, upward-trending, mad thrills of 2016-2019... two years of panic, fear, lockdowns and hibernation ensued. 2022 (the first full year without nonsense) wasn’t ever going to be anyone’s best year. Increasingly, everything is political - which is boring.

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2022 is almost over, and very few of us will be celebrating the last year - in fact, the last three years - of our very bizarre lives on planet Earth. I could take up your whole day by listing the ways some humans have made the planet much worse for others...

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Sometimes I wonder if everyone has gone mad, if there are any adults left in the room? It’s 2022 and we’ve just been through a really challenging pandemic. Many died, many more got sick and many more than that had their lives changed irrevocably. Instead of taking a deep breath and looking on optimistically as COVID starts to fade, it seems the lunacy is ratcheting up...

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Richard Spoor, an outspoken, controversial lawyer and commentator, found himself the centre of attention on Twitter last week for some bold, full-frontal nudity that shook both his critics and admirers...

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Thabo Mbeki was right: There really are two South Africas. Most people jump to the conclusion that we’re a nation divided along racial lines. Others think it’s about the haves and the have-nots. The events of the past few days have made it abundantly clear that the real divide is between those who want law and order, and those who see the law only as a means to make themselves more powerful...

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If you google 'Gareth Cliff’, one of the first links that comes up is an article from November 2020 about an interview I did with David Icke, the well-known conspiracy theorist on my eNCA TV show, So What Now. The show was specifically created to "highlight diversity of thought and talk to people with different opinions - leaders, opinion makers, alternate voices and people who don’t think like you and me - because great minds don’t always think alike"...

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If you’ve ever heard a song and found that it resonates with you, you might start to question what that actually means. If you’ve ever heard someone sing out of tune or strike a horrible chord on a guitar, then you equally know what dissonance is. When people use the word “resonant” or talk about harmony, it isn’t obvious that they mean what you think they mean...

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Well, this is more of a blog than anything I’ve written for a while... Covid has come to CliffCentral. We like coming up with clever alliterative phrases for new ideas and divisions in the business - like CliffCentral Communications, CliffCentral Campus, CliffCentral Creative and CliffCentral Collaborations. Now we have CliffCentral Contagions...

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Not a week goes by where you don’t see two neanderthals abusing each other because they have a different point of view online. Do you wonder, like I do, if their anger and stupidity could be channeled into great arguments that might change minds and move us all forward, instead of making us dumber and more primitive?

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