Gareth wants to know why celebrities are so desperate to showcase their wealth, and why some are so focused on sharing every part of their personal lives with their fans. Dr Hanan offers some possible explanations.

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28.03.22 Pt 1 - Gareth is back, and he tells us all about his trip to Mexico - and reveals some sad personal news too, which gets Leigh-Ann all teary-eyed. Will Smith loses his temper with Chris Rock at the Oscars… which sparks a debate about his life with Jada.

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The task for this week is to unleash your inner Michelangelo and draw a self-portrait. The whole purpose of this exercise is to reveal what you think of yourself and discover how you truly view yourself. The upside about this is that you don’t have to show anyone your drawing.

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20.01.21 Pt 2 - Time flies when you're having fun... we turn 7 this year! There's a new competition for eager beavers who want to start their own podcast. Something about birds, and shucks we almost forgot - it's the inauguration of Joe Biden today.

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19.01.21 Pt 2 - Have you reached that level where you are so completely comfortable with your partner that you have no issues with them taking a poo in your house... or are separate bathrooms an absolute must? Mbulelo is in his element as sports become the centre of conversation. And should your children be the main focus in your relationship, or is your partner more important?

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19.01.21 Pt 1 - With loadshedding running rampant in this country, should one invest in an inverter or should our government simply become smarter criminals? With the inauguration of Joe Biden taking place tomorrow, who will the Trump haters hate now? Oh by the way, Desmond Tutu had something to say about the COVID-19 vaccine.

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04.01.21 Pt 2 - New Year celebrations might be behind us, but the fireworks debate rages on - are they even necessary in 2021, and do pet owners get to make the rules? The team chats about which place on Earth they would most want to visit, even if it meant having to be a stowaway to get there. Speaking of holidays, at what point does the guest list become too big - is going away with fifteen people still a holiday? Big wave surfer Frank Solomon joins the team to talk about his organisation, Sentinel Ocean Alliance, and the work they're doing with South Africa's coastal communities.

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08.12.20 Pt 1 - It's that time of year again folks... time to regift your gifts from three years ago. It is being said that if you are going to be the last partner in a relationship to survive, be the woman - men fall apart. Was Michael Jackson a monster or a genius? Are celebrities the best people to speak about social issues?

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