04.11.20 Pt 2 - If your siblings are doing better than you, should you keep it together in public so as not to pull down the family name? Do your pets get jealous? Are all snacks actually the same? Cocaine is the lifeblood of all news anchors. If frogs become gay, is that the end of society as we know it? How tough is the filmmaking process? If you want to be a UN Secretary-General, your name has to be on fleek.

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03.11.20 Pt 2 - When you are looking at the polls in the US election, what factors should you consider to establish the veracity of the numbers? What should we expect from American citizens when the winner is decided? Why are high-end stores boarding up their shops as voters head to the polls? Would Texas ever desist from the United States of America? And this week on Blind History we feature the most maligned family in the history of the Catholic papacy.

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