09.06.22 Pt 1 - Phumi shares about her ‘near-death experience’ while she was traversing the rural countryside from Limpopo to KZN. And would you want a hot dentist checking your teeth?

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18.01.22 Pt 1 - Mbulelo seeks advice for a friend who is considering going to Cape Town as a first date. Lebang shares why she is for matric results not being published in the newspaper, and Mark Niemand - who was caught out in a very clever email phishing scam - joins the team to share his story of how he lost R260k last year!

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Heather Lowe, SME Development Head at FNB, discusses how funding remains a major challenge for SMEs and entrepreneurs during this difficult time. In this podcast, Heather shares practical business advice on overcoming the challenges that SMEs are facing around accessing funding. Heather also gives an overview of ways in which entrepreneurs can make necessary cashflow adjustments to establish what sort of funding they need in this time. Entrepreneurs looking to access tools that give you access to expert guidance and information, visit Fundaba.

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Heather Lowe, SME Development Head at FNB, discusses how funding remains a major challenge for SMEs and entrepreneurs during this difficult time. In this podcast, Heather shares practical business advice on overcoming the challenges that SMEs are facing around accessing funding. Heather also gives an overview of ways in which entrepreneurs can make necessary cashflow adjustments to establish what sort of funding they need in this time. Entrepreneurs looking to access tools that give you access to expert guidance and information, visit Fundaba.

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Andiswa Bata, Regional Head at FNB, defines what is in your control as an entrepreneur during this time. Andiswa unpacks cashflow management and the resources that are available to assist entrepreneurs pre and post lockdown. Listen to this podcast to find out how FNB is helping and other alternative resources available to SMEs during this time.

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Andiswa Bata, Regional Head at FNB, defines what is in your control as an entrepreneur during this time. Andiswa unpacks cashflow management and the resources that are available to assist entrepreneurs pre and post lockdown. Listen to this podcast to find out how FNB is helping and other alternative resources available to SMEs during this time.

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Buchule Sibaca, CEO of SMTAX, unpacks tax relief packages and further details on filing returns. In this podcast, Buchule also highlights how tax non-compliance could affect your business negatively and hinder you from receiving funding.

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Buchule Sibaca, CEO of SMTAX, unpacks tax relief packages and further details on filing returns. In this podcast, Buchule also highlights how tax non-compliance could affect your business negatively and hinder you from receiving funding.

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