22.07.24 Pt 2 - Leigh-Ann shares the top 10 cheeses for protein. Anthea Gardner pops in for some money talk, and to tell us about her exciting new hobby. And George Mienie joins for a chat about cars, pigs, funerals and more.

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George Mienie reports live from his hangar, just before heading out to fly a plane. South African roads are officially the most dangerous in the world. An old school robbery with a rented car... and Tesla CEO, Elon Musk’s title will change to Technoking of Tesla and Chief Financial Officer, Zach Kirkhorn’s title will be Master of Coin. Powered by AutoTrader.

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Which country has the highest bumper bash incident rate? The answer might shock you! As summer rolls around in the southern hemisphere, it might be good to know which car increases your likelihood of getting a date online. What does the colour of your car say about you? We all make mistakes... but which excuses work on the cops? Powered by AutoTrader.

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