JJ Cornish gives us the latest African news that includes how the Ethiopian peace talks in South Africa have extended past Sunday, the DRC expels the Rwandan ambassador - alleging Kigali is supporting rebels fighting in the east of the country, and more! Brought to you by Johannesburg Business School.

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JJ Cornish joins the team to give us the latest African news that includes Peace Talks ll on Ethiopia moving to South Africa, Western Sahara President Brahim Ghali arriving on the third visit to South Africa - which infuriates Morocco, and one of the worst floods in Nigeria. Brought to you by Johannesburg Business School.

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18.10.22 Pt 1 - Could Gareth have jinxed things when he eagerly mentioned not having load shedding for an entire day? It’s no surprise what has been declared South Africa's word of the year! And should pitbulls be banned as pets in South Africa?

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JJ Cornish gives us the latest African news that includes Kenya calling for peaceful acceptance of election results after a protracted vote count, a Coptic church fire tragedy in Giza leaves scores dead and injured in Egypt, and new tensions brew over the mega-dam across the Nile in Ethiopia. Brought to you by Johannesburg Business School.

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JJ Cornish joins the team to give us an update about what’s going on in Africa. They discuss Ethiopia’s plan to build a local rival to Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp. JJ explains how the women of Afghanistan are super resilient, and much more. Brought to you by Johannesburg Business School.

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24.08.21 Pt 1 - Businesswoman, podcaster and YouTuber, Mpoomy Ledwaba joins the team as a guest co-host. They dive into what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur, some news headlines and what’s currently going on in Africa with JJ Cornish.

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JJ Cornish sheds light on how DRC President Felix Tshisikedi is engaged in mediation over the Nile Dam. Better weather opens floodgates for African migrants into Europe... more than a thousand landed in Italy on Sunday. Dogged by COVID and security concerns, Ethiopia might have to postpone elections yet again. Brought to you by Johannesburg Business School.

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The Jihadi insurgency in north east Nigeria has executed dozens of farmers, and havoc has ensued as authorities seek to bring peace to the region. Abiy Ahmed, who was lauded as a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, is now struggling to stem the violence in Ethiopia... and is in fact becoming fuel to an already raging fire in the troubled East African country.  Brought to you by Johannesburg Business School.

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Is Africa seeing the second coming of colonialism in the form of loans from China? Three African countries including Kenya, Angola and Zambia have a combined debt of $143 billion to the Eastern power, and Kenya seems to be on track to default on payment. The Blue Nile Dam is possibly the biggest African story in 20 years, with the geopolitical ramifications for Sudan, Egypt and Ethiopia being considered by the White House and UN Security Council. As Kenya enters a delicate political time, the tragic mall attacks seem to be coming to court within the coming week, and that act of terror may finally be laid to rest. Brought to you by Johannesburg Business School.

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06.10.20 Pt 1 - Should we allow the public to vote on sending the yentas from The View to hell? Donald has Trumped Covid-19, and he says you shouldn't let a pandemic dominate your life. If you think you are better than others, surely people should be allowed to shame you in the public square...

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