Is corruption always to the detriment of a state? Is it ever necessary for quantum leaps in societal progress? Are there any countries in the developed world who have benefited from periods of corruption to become what they are? If you have corruption in your government and it leads to growth, at what stage do you start seeing diminishing returns? Would the Western world be what it is without corruption? Brought to you by The Gas Company.

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18.11.20 Pt 2 - Should we trust rich people who meditate? The SABC and its employees were as shocked as the President of South Africa when a failing business had to retrench people... these are the same journalists who tell you about the economy daily folks. What would you do if your wife said she was impregnated by the holy spirit and wouldn't have sex with you? And why can’t South Africans secure a home loan?

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When your industry - the biggest in the world - is facing an existential crisis, who can you bank on to help steady the ship, and ensure that a once growing sector returns to its former place in the South African sun? Reg chats to Sisa Ntshona, the CEO of South African Tourism.

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How to rebuild an economy, with commentary from Colin Coleman, Magnus Heystek and Maggs Naidu... as well as a billion reasons to look up from Prof. David Block.

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25.05.20 Pt 1 - As of 1 June 2020, you are allowed to drink in South Africa... how much booze will you put into your body on that day? If you dry your underwear in a work colleague's office, should they get to shank you? Earthquakes should never end an interview. What's the worst pick-up line you've ever heard? Whatever it is, Siya topped it. Cringeworthy stuff!

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How are you doing in this madness? ‘Vasbyt', as the Afrikaans people say... I write one of these blogs every week and normally they’re not as controversial as the last two, but they might interest you if you’re thinking about what happens next. Just like any other mammal, I don’t have any special powers to predict the future, but I think it’s becoming clear that the lockdown will have far-reaching ramifications. The Coronavirus pandemic has swept across the planet, leading to global chaos and extraordinary changes to all our lives. We’re all spending almost all our time at home and consuming media very differently. There are many confusing messages, and not many sources you can completely trust...

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Though JSE share value is down, this is no time to panic, Exchanges recover from crashes rather quickly. With the UK's GDP contracting 2% in the first quarter and 33 million jobs lost in America, how will this affect consumer spending as lockdown eases? Group Five will be delisting after nearly five decades on the JSE.

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18.05.20 Pt 1 - Unless there's cat vomit on your webinar, it's not great viewing. Chequebooks are ridiculous aren't they, it's 2020! Gareth might buy the Pope's car... bless him. You can socially distance and still preach the good word. And do Cubans just call them cigars?

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Old people are displaying some unusual Covid-19 symptoms. Smokers and drinkers have predictably discovered the black market. If you’re reporting your neighbours for having a braai, how resentful are you? It’s a honeymoon from hell, as some South Africans are still stuck in Thailand. Where would you go during the zombie apocalypse? Can Siya survive in the wild? Leigh-Ann sees the future... and it’s bleak. And Boris Johnson owes his life to two Nicks.

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George Mienie reports on some of the search stats on the AutoTrader website, which tells us a few things about the state of the country's economy. People are also searching for cars at very odd times of the night - why are we all suddenly insomniacs? Are hybrid vehicles still in demand? Tesla cars can now see stop signs and red lights... which is handy! And the Lucky Devil Lounge - a strip club in the USA - has created a special drive-through show for its customers. Powered by AutoTrader.

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