22.07.24 Pt 2 - Leigh-Ann shares the top 10 cheeses for protein. Anthea Gardner pops in for some money talk, and to tell us about her exciting new hobby. And George Mienie joins for a chat about cars, pigs, funerals and more.

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Stephen A. Newton is the MD of Aleph - the company representing X, TikTok, Snapchat and Spotify in Africa. With social media channels fast becoming an opportunity for employment, Stephen is passionate about upskilling the African youth, who by approximately 2050, will be the workforce of the future. He also explains Aleph's Digital Ad Expert, which is on a mission to provide free digital marketing expertise.

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27.11.23 Pt 2 - Luthuli House has some new tenants after the ANC struggles to repay their debt, and Leigh-Ann is drunk again, informing us about a new scam going on in China. Thami Ndlovu, a Zimbabwean entrepreneur living in the USA, joins the show to share his success story.

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02.10.23 Pt 2 - Leigh-Ann has some indicators that let us know the state of the economy. Gareth fantasises about a knowledge pill in South Africa, and Bakh’abantu discovers the bakkuzi.

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How do migrants contribute to SA’s economy? What is most often misunderstood about Operation Dudula? Dan Radebe (Deputy Chairperson of Operation Dudula) and Patrick Sewera (co-founder of The Black Africa Fund) join the show to unpack some of these questions and issues.

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Kanthan Pillay returns to The Burning Platform this week to answer all your questions. Dr Anthony Turton also joins the team to have a candid conversation about the water crisis in South Africa and a lot more. Brought to you by Nando’s.

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29.07.21 Pt 2 - Kanthan Pillay makes a welcome return to answer all your questions and engage with the team about the water crisis in South Africa, alongside Dr Anthony Turton, who is a political scientist specialising in transboundary resource management.

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Most small businesses have not received any support or relief funding during the extended lockdown, and the recent looting activities haven’t helped. Economist Mike Schussler and Township Entrepreneur Developer Bulelani Balabala join the team to talk about the state of SA’s economy, and how to potentially save it. Brought to you by Nando’s.

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22.07.21 Pt 2 - Economist Mike Schussler and Township Entrepreneur Developer Bulelani Balabala join the team to talk about being a small business in South Africa, and how the lockdown and looting have had an effect on them.

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Thabo Mbeki was right: There really are two South Africas. Most people jump to the conclusion that we’re a nation divided along racial lines. Others think it’s about the haves and the have-nots. The events of the past few days have made it abundantly clear that the real divide is between those who want law and order, and those who see the law only as a means to make themselves more powerful...

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