Cutting or burning oneself, amongst other behaviours, would be for most anathema. Yet for some it is a source of relief... a release, a way of coping. On this episode, we are joined by Prof Mark Goldblatt and Dr Wendy Duncan. In proud association with Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave.

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We are living through times where terms like 'gender incongruence' and 'gender dysphoria' constitute - for some - the beginning of a journey of 'gender-affirming' care, with all that it entails. In this episode, we go on a journey of exploration with Dr Wendy Duncan and Dr Elna Rudolph. In proud association with Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave.

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Keanu Reeves, Tom Cruise, Steven Spielberg, and Richard Branson – what do they have in common? Success, fame… and dyslexia – a specific learning disorder. Learning disorders affect many people, with the specific problem often undiagnosed, and the person misunderstood, potentially marginalised. Joining us for this episode are Dr Wendy Duncan, a sub-specialist child and adolescent psychiatrist, and Natalie Solomon, a clinical psychologist. In proud association with Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave.

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