11.07.23 Pt 2 - Dr Jonathan Witt has some words for “Ms. Netherlands”… Gareth gets into Holland and the collapse of their coalition government, while Bakh’abantu wants to know where the Joburg Mayor is.

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11.07.23 Pt 1 - A new feature kicks off with a surprise co-host, Dr Jonathan Witt. Bakh’abantu has a vendetta against Greta Thunberg, and Gareth’s curiosity is piqued after hearing about a permanent loadshedding solution.

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Dr Jonathan Witt joins Gareth Cliff and Kanthan Pillay to discuss the latest bill passed by the ANC government, regarding National Health Insurance (NHI) in South Africa, putting private health and medical aids at risk of collapsing to State level. Councillor Belinda Kayser-Echeozonjoku from the DA then joins to discuss the R81b budget for the City of Joburg.

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15.06.23 Pt 2 - Dr Jonathan Witt joins Gareth and Kanthan to talk about the latest bill that passed in South Africa, pushing for National Health Insurance (NHI), which has citizens fuming all over the country. The team is also joined by Councillor Belinda Kayser-Echeozonjoku from the DA to discuss the R81b budget for the City of Joburg.

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Is ESG an ideological scam? Jonathan Witt and Kanthan Pillay discuss the pros and cons of energy development in South Africa. Kanthan wants to dissect the budget speech, which revealed how much money South Africa loses each day due to interest on debt. Phumi is curious about what the team thinks of Putin’s speech, after seeing Biden join Zelensky in the Ukraine.

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23.02.23 Pt 2 - Jonathan Witt believes the ANC is the cancer at the heart of South Africa, but what has changed in the last 5 years? Kanthan is itching to talk about the budget speech, because an unbelievable amount of money is being lost each day. And do you feel the same as the Americans about the Ukraine movement happening over the war with Russia?

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24.11.22 Pt 1 - Phumi shares how she facilitated a workshop this week that had her breaking down South Africa with a room full of 20-something ‘creative types’ - which leads to a conversation about voter education. Dr Jonathan Witt then joins the show to discuss the FTX debacle.

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03.11.20 Pt 2 - When you are looking at the polls in the US election, what factors should you consider to establish the veracity of the numbers? What should we expect from American citizens when the winner is decided? Why are high-end stores boarding up their shops as voters head to the polls? Would Texas ever desist from the United States of America? And this week on Blind History we feature the most maligned family in the history of the Catholic papacy.

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The US election ends next week - and the country seems split down the middle. Are we too polarised to live side by side, or will the ballot box divide us irreparably? With Deborah Droke, Dom Leon-Davis, Dr Jonathan Witt and special guest Sasha-Lee Olivier.

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Should we be testing everyone for Covid-19? Is there going to be a second wave in Johannesburg and if yes, is this a bad thing? What are the overall effects of the health sector's response to Covid-19 globally? Could South Africa reopen the economy through track and trace monitoring of citizenry? Has the hubris of liberalism condemned Hong Kong to tyranny from China, and thus made a war between China and America inevitable? Brought to you by Nando’s.

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