Is sex central to our existence? Consider what your life might be like without sex. Sex is also political... and political ideology impacts health behaviours. What has sex and sexuality got to do with psychiatry? Joining us to discuss this are Dr Elna Rudolph and Dr Franco Colin. In proud association with Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave.

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We are living through times where terms like 'gender incongruence' and 'gender dysphoria' constitute - for some - the beginning of a journey of 'gender-affirming' care, with all that it entails. In this episode, we go on a journey of exploration with Dr Wendy Duncan and Dr Elna Rudolph. In proud association with Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave.

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In the age of Covid-stigma, is it safe to sleep with a frontline worker? Sex, status and senses of humour with Tumi Morake, Dr Elna Rudolph and Devan Moonsamy. Gareth then connects with fellow South Africans stranded abroad, Ulrich Fobian and Leoni Jansen.

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