This week George Mienie talks about the California doctor who performed surgery during a Zoom court appearance, the top car brands that made it onto the list of being the most dependable, and some good news as the Gauteng government reiterates its rejection of e-Tolls. Powered by AutoTrader.

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11.11.20 Pt 2 - Stephen Fry is delivering history in a fashion that's fun. Harry and Meghan... are they just attention-seeking slobs, or are they living their best life? Is Queen Elizabeth the last hope of a united Britain? Imagine being married to someone with Covid-19, how would that go? Cocaine gave us psychoanalysis and great thriller literature, so let's not be too hard on Colombia's finest. FYI: Avoiding the doctor doesn't mean you're not sick. And is the woke mob destroying the planet? Find out in our new feature - The Alternative.

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How much of what, and how you think is holding you back right now? Would you care to know? Harvard psychiatrist and brain scientist, Dr Srini Pillay, has a career that spans three decades and he's dubbed his recent learnings, 'The Science of Possibility: Leveraging your Brain for Future Success'. He gives Gareth a few tips and tricks on how shifting how you use your brain, could shift the way you do things for the better.

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11.03.20 Pt 2 - Should we give our kids better quality poetry to read, or is that what iPads and YouTube are for? Does being nice matter at all? Donald Trump has just crushed the Democrats on Twitter before going to bed. Our loyal listener Vinnie rocked the show, he got a message on Facebook which revealed a secret that was hidden for 15 years. What would you do if you found out you have a twin at 12 years old? Gord did yoga... he didn’t poo. The brilliant Dr Shakira Choonara attempts to educate us, but all that happens is she gets suggestions from morons.

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