This episode is dedicated to Marvin, who suffers from sexual dysfunction. If you're anything like him or just want to have a laugh, you'll want to listen to this episode. Warras and PH chat with Dr. Brendon and Dr. Suhayl from Gentsclinic about men’s mental health, the impact of porn, and the importance of maintaining healthy testosterone levels.

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June marks Men’s Health Awareness Month, and in this episode, the guys have a candid conversation about some of the issues that plague men, including sexual dysfunction, depression, and other mental health issues. There's also cash up for grabs—you just have to watch the whole episode!

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Gareth and Dr Hanan Bushkin discuss conflict on social media, and who you should be comparing yourself to when interacting online. Hanan’s answer? “You should be assessing what you want to achieve in life.” Dr Hanan also explores the reason people avoid setting goals for self-improvement.    

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Legendary South African funny man, Barry Hilton walks Gareth through his Covid business expansion, from corporate card games, to a new concept titled ‘My Life in 3D’ - a talk about Barry’s trifecta of struggles. He does a deep dive with Gareth about his journey over the years… moving out of the East Rand and into the Western Cape, as well as his journey through the “nut house”. No stone is left unturned in this interview, all while leaving you in stitches.

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A recent article in The Spectator magazine posed an intriguing question: “Is losing God making America miserable?”. The percentage of Americans believing in God has dropped from more than 90% in the period between 1944 and 2011, to 81% as of May 2022. The article further noted that depression and anxiety rates were at all-time highs. Association is not causation, but where do religion and our belief systems fit in to our lives… and are they necessary to live a fulfilled life? Dr Ian Westmore and Dr Lennart Eriksson weigh in on this week’s discussion. In proud association with Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave.

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Leigh-Ann steps up as the patient on today’s show, discussing how she has dealt with severe depression and ADHD for over 20 years. Is medication and therapy enough? Dr Hanan Bushkin breaks down how frameworks and blueprints are essential in life.

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Is it normal for one to always be happy? Should it be considered as the default mood? Gareth opens up the show with a monologue that challenges how people are in the pursuit of happiness.

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05.08.22 Pt 1 - Gareth and Ben are growing out their beards, and give us an update on how that is going. They also go off on a tangent about people sending voice notes, and share their thoughts about Andrew Tate.

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Depression is a debilitating condition, and medication can take weeks to provide relief. Suicide is a risk, and potential consequence. Psychiatry, as a discipline, has long sought a drug that might provide rapid resolution of both depressive symptoms, as well as suicidal thoughts. Could an anaesthetic agent, ketamine, be that drug? This week, Prof. Bonga Chiliza, a psychiatrist, and Dr Alan Howard, an emergency care physician, provide some answers. In proud association with Adcock Ingram OTC Sponsors of Brave.

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If you need some motivation, listen to the first few minutes of this podcast as Gareth shares some encouraging words and his thoughts and opinions about what is currently happening in the world.

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