17.03.21 Pt 2 - Gord makes another comment about Sean Sanders’ undeniable gorgeous looks. Siya is left highly uncomfortable when the average weight of human poo is brought up. If you had 3 wishes... what would you ask for?

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She’s the woman of the moment - calling the shots as a number of men chase after her affection. She’s the star of South Africa’s very first 'The Bachelorette SA'... Qiniso Van Damme joins the #GCS team to talk about her dating experience and what she is looking for when it comes to love.

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09.02.21 Pt 2 - Dogs are not human... but is feeding them risotto, prawns and letting them live their best lives a bad idea? Siya had the misfortune of seeing the ugliest pair of feet - and the worst part was that person was in flip-flops! And how open are you when it comes to an open relationship?

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13.01.21 Pt 2 - Nudists are fine, but would it be ok with you if your doctor or accountant were known practitioners of naturalism? The team theorises about the trend for chat groups to automatically descend into porn hubs. They also agree that it’s important to always look your best in naked selfies - you never know when your pictures are going to be leaked on the internet… Finally, a top tip: if you're a kidnapper, ask for your ransom in bitcoin because it can't be traced.

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16.10.20 Pt 2 - Is moving furniture around your house the height of OCD? As we all know, only the devil's children play Dungeons & Dragons. Dating a gamer means you'll always be second best. If your ex sees you while they're with their ex, do you cry in your car... or just drink your sorrows away in a dark room?

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09.10.20 Pt 1 - Larry David is so hot, because he's so rich. His new lady is marrying him for money, and that's great. If someone is single, who do they think they are to have standards... this is why you're single Paul! Would you date a person who is basically Bubble Girl? And what kind of billionaire would you be?

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Which country has the highest bumper bash incident rate? The answer might shock you! As summer rolls around in the southern hemisphere, it might be good to know which car increases your likelihood of getting a date online. What does the colour of your car say about you? We all make mistakes... but which excuses work on the cops? Powered by AutoTrader.

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14.02.20 Pt 1 - If you have a weirdly shaped head, get a hat or hair plugs! If your partner was in an accident and they lost limbs, how long would you stay with them? Why is getting into offices so hard in 2020... what next, a blood sample? Mfundo is looking for love via a dating site, the problem is that his profile pictures aren’t of him. And Siya wants fat singers to stay fat!

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24.01.20 Pt 1 - Siya’s shirt can only be called what it is, “a situation!” Felicia has never been subtle and just so you know, she’s from Atlanta darling! Is Dr Phil an enabler? Ben’s Tinder is filled with trolls. His high council is advising him to get out there. Just in case you don’t know, people get hammered every now and then. Don’t listen to your mom when asking about your looks, she's a liar. Leigh-Ann and cemetery sex happened, it was a sexual emergency.

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