02.07.20 Pt 1 - In the midst of lockdown, it's important to spare a thought for blessees without blessers' money. Do you know what the crossroads of Marxism and capitalism is? It's porn! According to Pinky, smoking weed is the perfect way to keep kids away. Get your dose of information from the Five Things You Need To Know... and Sean Sanders from Revix stops by for Beyond Bitcoin.

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01.07.20 Pt 2 - After Gord explains accidents during MMA fights, you'll look at penne differently. What would you do if almost R6-million got transferred into your account? Hear what a Pretoria man has done. Catch up with Janez Vermeiren and Peri van Papendorp. And could Gareth "the children's author" be looming in the future?

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01.07.20 Pt 1 - Are you even trying to keep up with your new year's resolutions under lockdown? Gord expresses his deep love for Barry Ronge. Today you'll learn not to name an animal if you're going to eat it. And note to self: There's corruption, pollution and no solution in Mexico!

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30.06.20 Pt 2 - The party is always in your own mind, just keep believing it... who needs real clubs and other humans? Was Lou Pearlman the biggest creep ever? The CliffCentral family is growing! Tim Culley joins us to detail the launch of CliffCentral Creative - and Mbulelo speaks about CliffCentral Sport, our new YouTube sports content platform.

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30.06.20 Pt 1 - Shee shee poo poo is the only way to describe a couch that's too fabulous to mention. Should one have a life-sized picture of themselves in their lounge? Are you a bad person if you just leave your old fridge in the street for rubbish guys to pick up? How important is family history, and who should note that down? Siya's junk is now in his trunk... in more ways than one. And Soli Philander will fight for justice - literally!

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29.06.20 Pt 2 - An orchard is no place for the weak, hemorrhoids are a real thing. What is the best case scenario for your deathbed? In the world of double-sided dildos, anal beads, and gentleman callers, we need to be clear that 'pearl necklace' does not mean what you think it does. Byron Gindra joins us to discuss his burgeoning singing career, and what it was like to be a top 100 US Idols contestant.

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29.06.20 Pt 1 - You know the old saying, "I'm as happy as a pig in coke"? Well, in Italy that old fable came to life. Houston we had a Bobby Brown problem. Today has been a morning for 'the sensitive gay’. Careful about brushing your teeth - it's a sharticle hive. Beware of your cop friends, they'll kill you at the braai.

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26.06.20 Pt 2 - If you need a dad, no worries... the web has got your back. Shave, change a tyre or put up a painting, this is what the internet is for. If you are a lady and you get hair on your face, should you shave or laser? Joe Emilio joins us to discuss the effects of blind cancel culture and how artists are affected.

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26.06.20 Pt 1 - The cat that sleeps on your chest will spit in your eye... no this is not a proverb, it happens to our very own cat lady with outrageous consequences. Siya is now a big time TV producer and it's helping him get lunch dates with spoiled girls who love him. If you stay too long at some people’s homes, they'll use a gun to get rid of you.

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25.06.20 Pt 2 - Apparently, Covid has turned into a sport - and apparently the libertarians have a demigod who has led them to victory in ending lockdown. Government does an astonishing job of spending the sin tax it collects - it’s all gone within half a day, which is one of the reasons South Africa may just be bankrupt. And adding to the fiscal drama, Finance Minister Tito Mboweni is on a collision course with President Cyril Ramaphosa.

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