07.04.20 Pt 2 -Dr Robyn Spring details the challenges of Covid-19 for women who are pregnant or have young babies, and miraculously she has the internet in the Eastern Cape, so that was a nice surprise. What does flattening the curve actually mean, because everyone says it, but what do the stats and metrics say is the most effective way to curb the tide of coronavirus? Danny K joins to tell us how Shout SA has ensured that masks can be produced and sold at cost en masse, with a view to making it affordable for medical professionals and those who really need them. When your father is Julius Caesar, the expectations would have been too much for many, but not for Augustus. Blind History season 3 rolls on. In this episode we detail the emperor of all emperors.

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07.04.20 Pt 1 - How old is Boris Johnson? It doesn't matter that he's dating a 32-year-old who is about to have his baby, which makes him a winner. If you need to buy an iron while in lockdown, should that be an essential item? Has this lockdown made Cele and co power hungry? Imagine having a child with a compromised immune system during Covid-19? God still needs your tithes please, private jets don't pay for themselves. If you are feeling sad, just bake and everything else becomes the 'yeast' of your problems.

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06.04.20 Pt 2 - So it seems even tigers can get Covid-19! If you love to complain, during this pandemic, you can watch Contagion on SABC3... misery loves company. Should Bill Gates speaking about deadly viruses be taken seriously, just because he's absurdly rich? Who was the real talent in Destiny's Child - Kelly and Michelle right? The other woman just married Jay-Z. The Kiffness has a wife who is a chef and doesn't mind him singing the same note for an hour in lockdown, and yet the best he could muster is "I'm relatively happy!" By the way, would you rather be killed by a deadly virus or a ravenous lion?

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03.04.20 Pt 2 - If you have furry friends, just be aware that vets are part of essential services and pet stores are open. In a time of international lockdown, how on earth do travel companies survive? Keeping clean makes you feel better... do it, stay clean and wash your hands you detty pig! Adversity will reveal the weather of your consciousness and if you are dependent on alcohol or other stimulants or depressants, 21 days of going cold turkey could be rough.

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03.04.20 Pt 1 - Remember when you could touch people, and the days when load shedding was your biggest problem? If you say "Coronavirus", your video can be demonetised on YouTube. Let's be honest, amateur singing - especially when you try and syncronise - is a disaster. How tough is it to tell your parents that Covid-19 can kill them and they must stay at home? Some people take cleaning to another level... they're a threat to us.

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02.04.20 Pt 2 - South Africa might be a decent country to live in after all, if you go by a queue at a shopping centre. The response to market factors at play in a crisis can be tricky, are street vendors less important than big chain stores? Ford is making ventilators... does this actually matter in the bigger picture? The media has a massive duty in reporting responsible and verified information in times of crisis, how do we ensure this happens? Waldimar Pelser details this for us. The ANC is still stealing, please don't let Covid-19 plaster over that, stay woke!

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02.04.20 Pt 1 - Should you feel guilty for enjoying the solitude of lockdown? Hey, maybe you don't need your best friend around every 3 days... don't tell them though, could be awkward. Honey is good for you, and your skin, nectar of the gods. Madonna in the bath is just brutal viewing. If you are going to murder people, don't do it during a pandemic at the beach, the cops are watching. Comforts of home can be dangerous, what do you do when it's time to cook your own 3-course meal? And April Fool’s Day took a back seat this year - there's a little Coronavirus situation going on.

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23.01.20 Pt 2 - What is the NHI actually going to cost the South African taxpayer? Is Tito Mboweni playing chicken with the SAA bailout situation? Kanthan Pillay has been racially profiled zero times under Trump, he was racially profiled 7 times under Obama... yes you can! It looks like Putin has all the power, both nuclear and political. Why aren’t people moving to Russia, is it the language? And Trump-led America has business booming.

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