27.05.20 Pt 1 - Is this possibly Damon's last show ever? Gym is a place of spiritual sanctity for some... when are those opening? The Kalavari home has had to swap roles and it's been interesting. What type of lockdown human being are you? Level 5 - awesome haircut length, not so much as a lockdown measure.

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26.05.20 Pt 2 - Is not wearing underwear a serious social faux pas? If you want to be ready for the next pandemic, start planting seeds now that you can eat. A 113-year-old woman in Spain will inspire you with her will to live. Garlic is not only good for you, but vampires hate it... so get some for winter. TopCo CEO Ralf Fletcher then joins us to detail how businesses can become proactive instead of being reactive in the post Covid-19 economy.

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26.05.20 Pt 1 - Do clocks really matter in a global pandemic? Time has warped, how are we feeling about this? How many coronavirus roadblocks are there on the journey from Johannesburg to Durban? Shop local people, they need you! If you don't clean your mess, Phumi will judge you.

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25.05.20 Pt 2 - Hydroxychloroquine is Trump's thing, let him live a little. His golf game is also getting some work, which is fair because of stress. If you love booze, bury your stash in the yard so the family doesn't get any... but be careful - Karens are everywhere! In animal news, it turns out dolphins are romantics and alligators are a pet fit for Hitler. Alan Todd, Director of Research at All Told, breaks down the behavioural patterns of economically active South Africans during lockdown.

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25.05.20 Pt 1 - As of 1 June 2020, you are allowed to drink in South Africa... how much booze will you put into your body on that day? If you dry your underwear in a work colleague's office, should they get to shank you? Earthquakes should never end an interview. What's the worst pick-up line you've ever heard? Whatever it is, Siya topped it. Cringeworthy stuff!

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22.05.20 Pt 2 - The trolley test truly does tell you if you are a good person or not, whether on a train track or at your local shops. Is Beyonce an icon? Nurses in bikinis in Russia are some solace for patients. Jack Lotter, the health and fitness guru, joins us to discuss the South African fitness landscape... and he's clear on how to avoid scammers.

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22.05.20 Pt 1 - Noah seems to have figured out how to keep the peace with his wife during his flood enforced lockdown, what is your problem? Chinese police ooo stations in South Africa are not real are they? If you are beautiful, delete your Twitter account. And check your sanitiser, it might be meth.

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21.05.20 Pt 2 - The Donald is taking medicine and the American media have lost their minds. Could this be why people have lost trust in the mainstream media? Are most people fit to run their personal lives, contrary to the way the government treats them? Where has the EFF been during lockdown... why so quiet?

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21.05.20 Pt 1 - If you shame your mom into a beauty upgrade, is that so bad? 'Petty socialist' has now made the merch shelf on the interwebs. If you have a fridge being loaded onto the wrong truck, look out for Timothy Maurice before getting angry. Moonshine and Stalin have both killed too many Russians. NDZ, Thuli and a Kardashian meet up... it's some incredible scenes.

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20.05.20 Pt 2 - Decimal Dan was around in a rather different time, and his maths wasn't great. When you are on Earth, the aim is to just win at all costs. If you are going to die, don't do it in the Eastern Cape, you literally have to stare death in the face in hospital. And Joe Cimino joins us to talk about finance troubleshooting post lockdown.

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