It’s a HACK! What is your business' cyber security strategy? Utopia for a hacker or crime syndicate is a business that does back-ups onsite, and on the same network they just hacked. Intrusion prevention systems like firewalls are insufficient... your business needs to assess current defensive mechanisms. It’s about constant implementation, measuring, monitoring and improving your technical and administrative control to prevent cybercrime. Jaco chats to Pierre Jacobs from Cyberantix about the ruthless reality of cybercrime, and what cyber security efforts should support your business. Brought to you by Catalytic.

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25.11.21 Pt 1 - How long do you think it will take before Thanksgiving is a worldwide ‘thing’ like Halloween? Gerhard Swart from Performanta joins the team to talk about the rise in cybercrime, and how you can protect yourself.

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There are five new viruses or pieces of malware set loose on the internet every second of the day. Small businesses are especially vulnerable to cybercrime. Fred Roed chats to Charl Ueckermann, CEO of AVeS Cyber Security, about ‘black hat hackers’ and ‘white hat hackers” and their roles. Charl says awareness and proactive monitoring puts you in a place to predict incidents and not simply react. Cyber-attacks come at a high price. The average value of one cyber-attack for small businesses, is about R1 million and it shoots up to about R16 million for bigger organisations. Listen and learn how to protect your business.

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