11.10.23 Pt 2 - Jane Malatji joins the team, alongside cyber security specialist and friend of CliffCentral - Rianette Leibowitz. Jane covers the latest scam that has South Africans amazed, and Lebang has some questions for Rianette about child-related cyber security wellness.

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Jaco Voigt from Catalytic – host of Unbundled – joins the show to talk about cybersecurity in the business world, and why businesses should take it more seriously. Plus, what to expect from Unbundled this year.    

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With the year 2022 now taking its final steps, it’s time to look back at how Jaco Voigt has demystified technology in the world of business. He reviews the conversations and knowledge learned from all the guests, to take into 2023 - covering the topics of the four pillars to fulfil the gap in your business. Brought to you by Catalytic.

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11.10.22 Pt 1 - Does Lebang have her own energy drink? Seem like Cape Town beggars are quite aggressive. There is a new drive-thru trend, and why are theme parks asking iPhone users to leave their phones behind when riding rollercoasters?

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It’s a HACK! What is your business' cyber security strategy? Utopia for a hacker or crime syndicate is a business that does back-ups onsite, and on the same network they just hacked. Intrusion prevention systems like firewalls are insufficient... your business needs to assess current defensive mechanisms. It’s about constant implementation, measuring, monitoring and improving your technical and administrative control to prevent cybercrime. Jaco chats to Pierre Jacobs from Cyberantix about the ruthless reality of cybercrime, and what cyber security efforts should support your business. Brought to you by Catalytic.

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No business is too small to be hacked! This week, Jaco Voigt discusses the business imperative – AI’s role in cyber security and the benefits of AI supplementing repeatable actions to help identify vulnerabilities. Social engineering, phishing, vulnerability scans, penetration testing, multi-factor authentication. If any of these words don't mean something to you in your business, take the time to listen to this podcast, as we establish that the two layer approach of firewalls and antivirus is insufficient to protect your business. Brought to you by Catalytic.

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Cybercrime has evolved to become an even greater threat than ever before, as it’s not hard to steal someone's login details, break into their bank accounts, or even hijack their identity. Gerhard Swart from Performanta joins the team to talk about the impact of a cyber security breach in South Africa.

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25.11.21 Pt 1 - How long do you think it will take before Thanksgiving is a worldwide ‘thing’ like Halloween? Gerhard Swart from Performanta joins the team to talk about the rise in cybercrime, and how you can protect yourself.

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Don't underestimate the importance of device management... it’s more than just ticking the security box via your business’s trusted IT guy! Hacking happens on all levels - the negligence of small businesses is as serious as enterprises. The security risk increases as more staff work remotely on public and home connectivity. Would you as a business owner know if your staff bypass and breach server protocols? Do you even have device protocols? Remember, 'prevention is better than cure'... this episode explores the importance of engaging the security of your business by delving into Android, Windows and Mac devices. Brought to you by Catalytic.

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This week Jaco and his guest get practical about the key benefits of back-ups. What is your business doing to ensure active saving of valuable data? What is your plan should there be a network breach or a physical disaster? Jaco unpacks different ways to ensure that back-ups are done and discusses the harsh realities of the outcome of a global survey done in 2020 that confirms statistics like, “Only 20% of IT professionals follow best practices” and “While nearly 90% of companies are backing up data, only 41% do it daily”. World Back-Up Day is on 31 March – let this podcast shed some light on what you need to do to ensure business security and preparation! Brought to you by Catalytic.

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