27.01.20 Pt 2 - Siya gives the Grammy speech of the decade and brings the house down. It got emotional. There are 5 Americans diagnosed with the Coronavirus, is this the end for us all? The real solution is that anyone you encounter with a cough, don’t go near them! Sharon Osbourne reading rapper’s names is hilarious and diabolical. The Grammys votes are tampered with, news to us or just confirming something we knew already? Taylor Swift... talent or just a bunch of lies? Haters gonna hate hate hate!

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Every now and then we hear a story of a victim losing a considerable sum of Bitcoin. In most cases, it was the result of an indirect hack, a phishing incident or a scam. In hindsight, all of these incidents are easily avoidable with the right security measures in place. Luno’s Head of Fraud, Nishan Maharaj, tells us what to look out for when dealing with crypto. Decrypto is powered by Luno.

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They say a fool and his money are easily parted. Unfortunately, we live in a world where even losing your investments is all too easy, unless you stay sharp and avoid the scammers. Like every electronic transaction, you need a certain amount of awareness when dealing with crypto. Ian Rossiter shares some guidelines to make sure your cryptocurrency remains YOUR cryptocurrency. Decrypto is powered by Luno.

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The technology behind cryptocurrencies may be a little daunting to most, but becoming part of the future of money is anything but - Luno makes it really simple! Head of Product, Alex Koller, explains how once you’ve downloaded the app and signed up, it’s easy to start investing and spending your crypto. Decrypto is powered by Luno.

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You may have heard the expression that crypto is “the future of money”, and given that money has been around in one form or another for a very long time, that’s quite a statement. Vijay Ayyar is head of Luno Business, and he puts the future of money into perspective by taking a brief look at where money has come from, and where Bitcoin is going. Decrypto is powered by Luno.

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There’s been a lot of talk, and a lot of money made - and lost - with cryptocurrencies. With so many stories, it’s easy to get carried away with the hype. Luno's engineering manager Rick Kleinhans tells us why crypto is getting the attention it is, plus the simple steps you can take to get your slice of cryptocurrency. Decrypto is powered by Luno.

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You may know a lot about Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies... and if you’ve been following this podcast, you would have certainly heard about Luno. The app-based crypto exchange is helping revolutionise money, but there’s a lot more to it than that. Luno’s GM, Marius Reitz, tells us more about what it is that Luno does. Decrypto is powered by Luno.

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No doubt you’ve heard the expression, “Cryptocurrency is the future of money”... but have you ever stopped to consider what money actually is, and how crypto is different? Luno’s Karalee Kleinschmidt talks about the differences - and similarities - between money as we know it and cryptocurrencies. Decrypto is powered by Luno.

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In this final instalment of Beyond Bitcoin with Revix, Sean Sanders chats to us about how should you think about cryptocurrencies, and why you should be allocating some of your portfolio to them.

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With the Rand devaluing, Louis Buys chats to us about why crypto is a good investment idea. How long term should you be looking with crypto investing? We get all of these answers and more on this week's Beyond Bitcoin with Revix.

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