In episode 2 of 3, Timothy unpacks what he terms the ‘arousal war’, which looks at how your evolved conscious mind, your unconscious mind, and social media algorithms are fighting for your brain and behaviour.

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Tami and Scott give an introduction to the series. They discuss why Progress SA cares about academic freedom and why it took up the fight against academic authoritarianism at the University of Cape Town. They also discuss the state of academic freedom — worldwide and across South Africa — as context for the interviews that are to follow in the rest of the series. This series is brought to you with support from the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.

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Dr Max Price, past Vice-Chancellor of the University of Cape Town, has an opportunity to respond to criticism levelled at him by other guests interviewed in the series. Scott asks him about UCT’s legacy of academic freedom, and whether that legacy is now under threat. Price offers a different understanding of the concept of academic freedom to the one employed by other guests in the series. This series is brought to you with support from the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom.

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