04.06.20 Pt 1 - Should you hold grudges, or just let it go? If you moved house during the pandemic, you deserve a medal. If you give somebody a horrible gift, what is an acceptable way for them to deal with that? Nobody wants to get Mbulelo as a gift. If you are from Lesotho, it's possible to go from First Lady to jail... what a wild ride!

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03.06.20 Pt 2 - When you party, you really should do it like there's a world record which you are aiming for. Sean Binder and Lyle Masters join us to discuss Mother City Drive-In, which will take us all back to being able to gather to enjoy the arts. You shouldn't shame strippers, it decreases the quality of your erection... nobody wants either of those things.

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03.06.20 Pt 1 - If times become tough, you can just fire your cat. Singing at the drive thru... is that cool or just annoying for a minimum wage worker? If someone is fat, just presume they understand food - don't be a skinny Tunnel Bear using person, just trust the process. Dolly or Cher - who gets the nod?

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02.06.20 Pt 2 - The Shawshank Redemption of the booze store is a tale for the ages. South Africans are not a bunch of rule following humans... perhaps that hasn't reached government ears. Phillip Hartmann from togetherforcapetown.com joins us to tell us about his venture to raise 3 million meals for children in Cape Town. Blind History returns - this week we feature Joseph Stalin.

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02.06.20 Pt 1 - It's back to reality for a very hungover South Africa, are we ready to leave Zoom meetings behind? Is level 3 an air pollution level? Marching bands were ushering in the booze yesterday, what is going on? If your business can't fit on one side of a business card your job means nothing. Does an expensive gift mean more?

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01.06.20 Pt 2 - Could Jack Dorsey leave San Francisco to live in Bloemfontein? RuPaul has got the gay community saying "for frack's sake!" The ladies on The Bachelor are of a better quality this year... is Covid great for romance? Tennis stars are richer than ever. Should vegans have to reveal their veganism before the first date? Dr Brett Lederle joins us to explore the nature of educating your physiology to enter the state of growth, so that the pursuit of quality of life is your default setting, and not a sporadic anomaly.

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01.06.20 Pt 1 - The rocket going to the ISS gives humanity hope, even in a global pandemic. If you have balls, don't camp in a tent right now. If you need humbling, remember there's always somebody thinner and richer than you... stay humble. The Queen is on a pony is not a metaphor.

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29.05.20 Pt 2 - What's the repayment rule if you give money to a friend as a loan? It's 2020, if you aren't using a machete and broom for sex, are you even human? Are there any celebrities who look like your testicles? Dr Jonathan Witt joins us to detail protocols and compliance measures for reopening your business for Level 3. Dr Witt also tells us about the humanitarian work done by stjohn.org.za, and the services they provide in helping companies to become Covid-19 compliant.

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29.05.20 Pt 1 - Don't get a partner who just wants to fight all the time. Sometimes you have to know how to rub your technology in the right way. If you need booze, get your mom in a wheelchair to queue for you. Is that Mandarin or Elon Musk's baby... we live in a time where it's tough to tell. Leigh Wallace from clanstival.org joins us to tell us about her project to save the career of artists in South Africa.

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28.05.20 Pt 2 - Has the inept nature of the South African state changed leftist ideology and veneration of the ANC's government? Should the military be able to judge their own cases of egregious violence imposed upon the society? Dudu Myeni has finally been deemed to be a delinquent director, and she may never be a corporate head honcho again... significant or not?

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