31.07.20 Pt 2 - Fellow South Africans... 'Maaarkel' says you must be 'maaandfool' as an exercise in conflict resolution. Do we still need formal clothing for a corporate job in lockdown? Are you perfect as you are, or can you improve constantly? Is South Africa's summer going to be busy... or just face masks in the heat? What hobbies have you picked up during lockdown?

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31.07.20 Pt 1 - Turns out 6AM is a nice time of day if you bother to get up. ‘Going to gym’ is just a schlep now... might as well rather get a physics degree than go back to that mess. Getting a puppy is a chick magnet, but there's a cuteness threshold of diminishing returns - be careful. Lockdown relationships are complicated, but at least you're not married, divorce is another level of pandemic trauma. And Flax had a haircut from hell.

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Two entrepreneurs - Andile Ramaphosa and Brad Fisher - are doing their part in the fight against Covid-19, by providing ventilation technology to taxis in Gauteng. This is a major development, but has been marred by controversy, given that Andile is the son of President Cyril Ramaphosa. With so many allegations regarding the funding of the project circulating, the co-founders of SDI Force speak to Gareth Cliff about the inaccuracies in the media's reporting on this.

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Corruption, lockdown laws and protests - #SoWhatNow? Advocate Dali Mpofu, Herman Mashaba and Lord Peter Hain join this week's show to discuss this. Ashleigh Perremore, one of the organisers of the #ServeUsPlease protest describes what led to water cannons and stun grenades being used by police officers on 200 peaceful protesters.

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30.07.20 PT 2 - What is the life of a champion, and how often should you remind them that they are a champion? It looks like Joe Biden will announce his running mate soon, but will he remember them a week later? Hey... cheer up, it turns out cancel culture has a history that stretches back centuries. Gareth's retirement has gone up in smoke, he's not happy.

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30.07.20 PT 1 - What do we do about friends and family who cry at weddings and funerals, do we just write them off? Maybe you are right about your ex being the devil's child, because a doctor has used the term 'demon semen' and there's been no outrage around this... "Be gone, Satan's spawn!" Should you look after drunk friends at a party? And what is a mashonisa?

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29.07.20 Pt 2 - If you lived in South Africa in the 80s and 90s, Naas Botha was your Brad Pitt - don't deny it. Tom Hanks might be moving to Greece, because it's easier to get his way there. There's a fat bear in Alaska, and no it's not Khulubuse Zuma. Catch So What Now?... tonight on eNCA at 20:30.

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29.07.20 Pt 1 - Will Smith's murder of Biggie does not justify his wife sleeping with her son's friend. Does book smart mean you are life smart? The secret to good relationships is to only have rich friends. Oprah's magazine is closing after 20 years... what will Stedman read in the basement now? And Britney's family are a trailer trash travesty.

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28.07.20 Pt 2 - The great lesson of lockdown might just be how children adjust better than adults to seismic change. The Vikings back in the day went to collect two types of booty. If you shoot a criminal and they die, you should pray for them... it's the right thing to do. How are our parents expressing their love to us during lockdown, and should we be more grateful for their long messages? If you want to party, get an Amish friend for a year - but be sure to strap yourself in!

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28.07.20 Pt 1 - If you are going to have a portrait in your home, make it of yourself. Why are people still not set up to have quality Zoom calls? The richer a person, the worse their wifi... why is this? A teaspoon of gin keeps the doctor away. People in die Kaap are gatvol, perhaps because Camps Bay is chlamydia central.

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