Dr Hanan Bushkin joins the team to have a candid conversation about mental health and the impact of the Covid-19 vaccine. He advises that people shouldn't wait for happiness, but should dance while the music is playing... and the importance of being able to adjust to new situations that may occur in your life.

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Timothy Maurice shares two stories from his family that highlight the brain body connection. One about his dad eating turkey sausage, and the other about what happened when he and his sister got the Covid-19 vaccine together. The space between what happens around you, to you, and how you respond is a vast universe of possibilities and implications.

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Birthday boy Siya is back! System offline - we can already see it as one tries to register to receive the vaccine. And Gareth shares quite a stinking video…

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11.12.20 Pt 2 - We know pets can look like their owners, but can they mirror their owners’ personalities? If you’re old - like, properly old - you know what a pen pal is. The team wonders what that was about... There’s a discussion around the COVID-19 vaccine, and a dissection of just how lazy humans have become - let’s be honest, if money was no object, you’d outsource a few of life’s menial tasks...

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