Well, this is more of a blog than anything I’ve written for a while... Covid has come to CliffCentral. We like coming up with clever alliterative phrases for new ideas and divisions in the business - like CliffCentral Communications, CliffCentral Campus, CliffCentral Creative and CliffCentral Collaborations. Now we have CliffCentral Contagions...

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28.10.20 Pt 2 - It's important to credit the correct people when you enjoy a new TV series. Trying to see your aged parents during a pandemic is like arranging a prison visit. Is it worth keeping people around just because they are highly entertaining? Women can pee standing up now... Damon tells us how.

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28.10.20 Pt 1 - Can Siya replace Katlego on those insurance ads? If you touch yourself while on a video call, just make sure the camera is angled correctly. Does leaving your teaspoon in your mug while you drink your tea make you uncultured? And Damon and Gareth have another fight.

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The Right Honourable David Mellor QC is an award-winning British broadcaster, newspaper columnist, barrister and has had a colourful political career having served in ministerial positions under Prime Ministers John Major, Maggie Thatcher and Putney. He has a keen eye on the world and writes columns for six national newspapers including the Evening Standard, The Guardian and The People. He was on holiday in South Africa and locked down with us in Cape Town, before managing to return to the UK.

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Corruption, lockdown laws and protests - #SoWhatNow? Advocate Dali Mpofu, Herman Mashaba and Lord Peter Hain join this week's show to discuss this. Ashleigh Perremore, one of the organisers of the #ServeUsPlease protest describes what led to water cannons and stun grenades being used by police officers on 200 peaceful protesters.

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How are you doing in this madness? ‘Vasbyt', as the Afrikaans people say... I write one of these blogs every week and normally they’re not as controversial as the last two, but they might interest you if you’re thinking about what happens next. Just like any other mammal, I don’t have any special powers to predict the future, but I think it’s becoming clear that the lockdown will have far-reaching ramifications. The Coronavirus pandemic has swept across the planet, leading to global chaos and extraordinary changes to all our lives. We’re all spending almost all our time at home and consuming media very differently. There are many confusing messages, and not many sources you can completely trust...

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When someone as accomplished as Professor Brian Kantor speaks on the impact of the Covid-19 lockdown, you better make sure you listen. He is an economist and is the former Chief Investment Strategist of Investec Wealth & Investment SA. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of Cape Town, where he was the Dean of the Faculty of Commerce and Head of the School of Economics. Previously, he's also been a non-executive chairman of Acucap Properties and the founding chairman of the V&A Waterfront. Prof. Kantor holds a B.Com and a B.A. (Hons), both from UCT, and doesn't hold back to share his informed opinion on the state of South Africa's lockdown.

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We live, we learn. It has been almost three weeks since we heard from the President, and two weeks where I have found myself trending on Twitter. Neither of those things is optimal. I’d really like to hear from the President - because we’re in crisis and it would be in everyone’s interest to know what the endgame is. When is level 4 morphing into level 3? Are we still flattening curves, or are we just paralysed in fear or ignorance? Will people be able to return to work? Nobody can plan their lives unless we know these things. And by we, I think I can safely say, all of us...

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The Covid-19 lockdown is taking its toll on the South African hair industry. Too many livelihoods are being detrimentally impacted by the reality, pushing Stoffel Van Wyk to speak out against it. Stoffel, who is a master hairstylist and has worked in the industry for 27 years, speaks to Gareth about taking legal action against the government in order to get his beloved field fully working and open again.

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