MKT gives us his movie review about Shang-Chi and The Legend of The Ten Rings and Paulo has his say too, you need to hear this, it makes sense. With Kylian Mbappe's recent comments around the proposal of a biannual FIFA World Cup, the team discusses the validity of the showpiece being held every two years. Are Left Backs a bigger headache than one would deem necessary in Football? The greatest game show on Earth returns, Pogba or Drogba, and the outcome is stunning! Ryan takes his swag levels to unprecedented levels and it's quite the conversation starter.

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Which country has the highest bumper bash incident rate? The answer might shock you! As summer rolls around in the southern hemisphere, it might be good to know which car increases your likelihood of getting a date online. What does the colour of your car say about you? We all make mistakes... but which excuses work on the cops? Powered by AutoTrader.

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