They say moving from one place to another - the packing of boxes, clearing of storerooms, throwing out of things you forgot you even had - is one of the most stressful things you get to do in the course of your life. I don’t agree...

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This week we get to know beauty and lifestyle content creator, Foyin Ogunrombi. She shares how she got into the creator space, being intentional with your posting, and how crucial it is to be authentic... as your audience can spot when you are not being yourself!

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Timothy speaks to New York University Stern Professor Alixandra Barasch about her latest research which shows that when you’re immersed in your phone creating content, you’re not missing out - in fact, your immersion in the experience is enriched. Professor Barasch’s research goes counter to the prevailing narrative that ‘being on your phone’ reduces your experience. This episode offers practical strategies for both Marketers and Content Creators who hope to make deeper and more meaningful connections between consumer and brands... plus a few tips for them to elevate their game.

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