Timothy shares a research conversation with Dr Amy Bucher, PhD about her book 'Engaged: Designing for Behaviour Change'. And they explore 5 key insights into behavioural psychology - Ability blockers, Designing for Growth, Connection, Change and Designing for your Future Self. Amy is VP of Behaviour Change Design at Mad Pow, a design agency in Boston, Massachusetts... which strives to improve health and wellness.

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Timothy Maurice speaks to Leslie Grossman, faculty director at the Centre for Excellence at George Washington University and author of ‘Link Out, How to Turn your Network into a Chain of Lasting Connections’. They explore 3 strategies to practically build what Grossman calls, ‘your entourage’.

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Remember when we used to connect with a handshake, or a hug? Well now we connect by clicking a link. 2020 will be remembered for the Coronavirus pandemic and how it changed the way we interact - social distancing is the 'new normal' with the human connection and businesses now relying heavily on technology. But how frustrating is it when the internet drops, security worries... or even losing important information? Gareth Cliff asked Jaco Voigt, CEO of Catalytic, why connectivity is so important in this day and age.

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