How to rebuild an economy, with commentary from Colin Coleman, Magnus Heystek and Maggs Naidu... as well as a billion reasons to look up from Prof. David Block.

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Covid-19 has changed the geo-political and global economic landscape forever. As a man who has held executive office globally in the economic sector, what does Colin Coleman think about Cyril Ramaphosa’s Covid-19 economic relief plan for South Africa holistically? Which sectors of the economy should South Africa prioritise during this crisis? Will the social compact need to change, and how will this be implemented globally? Are IMF loans a nail in the coffin for South Africa’s economy, or is doomsday reporting sensationalist fear-mongering? Globally we know one thing for sure - we’re all at the stage of “do whatever it takes!"

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Following his return to South Africa, Colin has had the coronavirus test done and he details what that was like. Now lecturing in New York at Yale, he feels like he’s back at university and is a man reinvigorated. Tito Mboweni’s 2020 Budget Speech... what should we like, and what should we apprehensive about? With the Covid-19 outbreak and its seismic effects on the world economy, what timelines are we actually looking at in terms of entering a recession?

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16.03.20 Pt 2 - Is less consumption possible for human beings? The Spanish flu killed a lot of humans, we’ve been here before. Germany wants to send money for the Covid-19 test to South Africa… send the tests, we’ll never see that money! Bernie thinks Ebola is back, oh dear. Before you worry about toilet paper, we tell you what the dirtiest surfaces are which you should be avoiding.

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