Justice Malala, founding co-host of The Burning Platform, is visiting South Africa with his new book titled, ‘The Plot to Save South Africa’. Gareth Cliff sits down with him to discuss some history about the Chris Hani era, both before and after his assassination - as well as some of South Africa’s current issues and possible solutions to get the country back to where it needs to be.

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01.06.23 Pt 2 - Justice Malala joins Gareth Cliff for a special live Burning Platform event to talk about the release of his new book, ‘The Plot to Save South Africa’ - in which Justice does a deep dive into the events surrounding Chris Hani’s assassination. The conversation then shifts to what’s currently happening to us as a country. How can we as citizens help SA moving forward? Gareth and Justice discuss some ideas and solutions.

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17.03.20 Pt 1 - If you have a cold, you are dying... just accept that. In times when children have to be off school, au pairs should charge 10 times more than usual, supply and demand. As Covid-19 lockdowns rise, what personal projects will you take on board which you had put on ice? Gord Laws didn’t wear a shirt on his Instagram post, how should we feel about shirtless videos on Instagram? Panic buying is off the charts in South Africa, which means all toilet paper is off the shelves! And Gideon Vorster joins us from China to give us a Covid-19 update.

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