30.05.22 Pt 1 - A guy did an ‘Amber Turd’ in a clothing store in Cape Town. SARS warns of a new ‘wallet’ scam targeting South Africans, and Dr Hanan Bushkin joins the team to give expert advice to someone in a tricky situation.

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Antonio Conte is the new manager of Tottenham Hotspur, MKT tells us what effect he will have in North London. Is Cristiano Ronaldo Superman in the flesh? MKT and the team give Ryan some dating advice, but he's not exactly on board. What should single people do when they are attending a wedding? The LGBTQ community has a CEO, who is the CEO of your life?

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22.09.21 Pt 2 - The team randomly give a weather update, since they are all in different locations. Gareth shares a wild story about a man who has a wife, a girlfriend, and is busy with a stripper! Later, Rick Bronkhorst and Ruan Potgieter chat to the team about their student film, Gone Grill. Help them fund it here.

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MKT tells us why most relationships in the Southern Hemisphere are in trouble as Spring has sprung. Has the arrival of Cristiano Ronaldo piled pressure on to the rest of the squad or does he alleviate it? How have Barcelona become the laughing stock of World Football so soon after such unprecedented success? James is potentially body shamed, but is actively looking to get things back on the right track... will he though... who knows!

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20.05.21 Pt 1 - Dating isn’t as simple as it used to be, as people now are quick to ghost someone or even leave a restaurant without telling their date... yikes, it’s tough out there! Another celebrity announces that they are non-binary, and Siya still thinks he can sing.

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30.03.21 Pt 2 - Is being called “tannie” by someone you are not related to a bit ageist? Imagine finding out your partner is cheating on you through their smartwatch which shows them burning 500 calories at 2AM! Nothing will put you in your place like seeing an unflattering picture of yourself.

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24.02.21 Pt 1 - Remember the hype about leaving WhatsApp… well well, has anyone actually done it? Damon and Gareth miraculously manage not to have an argument about COVID - whoop whoop! Damon watched a YouTube video about sticking something in an anus, yikes!

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01.02.21 Pt 1 - Genuine question - what’s the point of Twitter? Animal depression is on the rise, especially with indoor cats. In the heat of the moment, if you found out your partner was cheating on you... what would you do?

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25.01.21 Pt 2 - Word on the Twitter streets is that the Fourways hippo was found and slaughtered... but who on Earth eats a hippo? Gareth raves about a TV show he recently discovered and thinks everyone should watch. John Berks then joins the show for a tribute to broadcasting legend, Larry King.

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25.01.21 Pt 1 - Watch out world, Siya is bringing leopard print back into fashion. What advice would you give Siya's friend who confessed to cheating with a married man? Fun fact... there was a discovery of a dinosaur’s anus!

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