This week Gareth challenges you to do some research, discover, and sue over historical grievances. This might take time but hey, who knows you just might be able to change your fortune due to the wrongdoings of the past.

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You might think it’s stupid or bizzare, but don’t knock it until you’ve tried it. See if you can catch an animal (hopefully not your pet), such as an Indian myna, to sharpen your ‘blending in with nature’ skills.

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The task for this week seems easy but is it really? Take some time to send a lengthy reply to the scam emails that you get, or even answer the phone call from the telemarketing company. Share your life story, or find out a bit more about them... the whole point is to have fun.

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It’s something so simple, and you can start today. Set some time aside to clear your junk mail… you’ll thank us later!

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Gareth proposes a real challenge this week - ask three people who you value highly in your life to share one thing they absolutely don't like about you. Then you have until the end of the year to improve... can you do it?

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