31.07.20 Pt 2 - Fellow South Africans... 'Maaarkel' says you must be 'maaandfool' as an exercise in conflict resolution. Do we still need formal clothing for a corporate job in lockdown? Are you perfect as you are, or can you improve constantly? Is South Africa's summer going to be busy... or just face masks in the heat? What hobbies have you picked up during lockdown?

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Soweto Business Access strives to be a game changer in the township economy. The lockdown has had unintended consequences, which are ripping the fabric of the community apart. 30% of the youth are being forced to sell illegal cigarettes instead of being fruit and veg vendors... are we creating criminals by design? Sharing cigarettes due to exorbitant black market prices is a factor in the rapid spread of Covid-19. Mphuthi Mphuthi, Chairperson of Soweto Business Access (SBA), is encouraging government to listen to the people and #LiftTheBan. To join forces, go to lifttheban.org - in association with SATTA.

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