The Capitol Hill invasion was a black mark on American politics, but it may have been good news for commodities like gold. The Bitcoin market is not unique: if you don't stick to economic principles and you over-leverage yourself, you'll be in hot water. Is there real value in Tesla's stock, or is it simply worth a punt? Brought to you by Revix.

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12.01.21 Pt 1 - If the President is sitting down when South Africa has a 'family meeting', don't worry about it - he just wants to check up on you and let you know that politicians are still doing nothing. If you have taken on the misguided notion of New Year's resolutions, how are those going two weeks into 2021? And Matt Greoning: superstar cartoonist, or clandestine time traveller?

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08.01.21 Pt 1 - If you’re an 80’s kid and still in decent shape, count yourself lucky that all the sugar added to food back then didn’t make you obese. Some families stay on holiday beyond New Year's Day, but there’s definitely a time to leave before the irritation factor sets in. With so much to look forward to in 2021, the team just hopes rich people will finally get themselves a decent internet connection and wi-fi to kill all the dead spots in their Shangri-La. And phone calls: in this the year to start imposing a time limit?

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07.01.21 Pt 1 - A treasonous mob stormed Capitol Hill in the US, resulting in panic about the veracity of Western Democracy. Don’t see lockdown as a hardship, think of it as a highlights package of what retirement will be like - it might give you an idea of how you’ll age. Finally, as an adult, how often should you be having a physical check up?

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