13.11.23 Pt 2 - Leigh-Ann discovers a property in Camps Bay making waves overseas for its enormous price tag. Bakh’abantu reminisces about the iconic BMW 525i painted by Esther Mahlangu, which is returning to South Africa… and Gareth learns some new words.

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23.12.20 Pt 2 - This holiday season, remember that it’s better to be smart than safe - especially as you choose who to party with, because some people just don't know their limits. The team ends this pandemic-cursed year with a look forward to 2021.

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08.10.20 Pt 1 - If you had a bad relationship with somebody, how far would you go to exert some revenge as a scorned lover? Do you believe being emotional is more important than being logical? Is balance around the two possible? Chris Rock is going through a divorce, and he's revealed a disorder... and it's no laughing matter!

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05.10.20 Pt 1 - It seems residents of New York are struggling to adapt to the fact that New York is a city that is now asleep. If you want to get rich, go and auction art on ships... you'll never have to protest in a beach mansion if you wield that maritime hammer. R Kelly nearly got shanked in jail, he probably wishes he could fly now. Which bands do you wish could get back together again?

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