07.03.23 Pt 1 - Gareth jumps in early to talk about the cabinet reshuffle. A caller from Aliwal North wants to discuss Gareth’s view on tertiary education. Do you find your qualification is worth the paper it’s written on? Lebang adds her 2c on the matter.

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Phumlani Majozi - Senior Fellow at African Liberty - joins Gareth to have a candid conversation about the cabinet reshuffle (especially the new Finance Minister), Cyril Ramaphosa at the State Capture commission, proposals for people to withdraw their retirement, the DA's fight against the postponement of local elections and more. Brought to you by Nando’s.

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12.08.21 Pt 2 - Gareth and Phumlani Majozi (Senior Fellow at African Liberty) seem to agree on more things that they would like. They dissect the cabinet reshuffle, proposals for people to withdraw their retirement, and the DA's fight against the postponement of local elections.

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The team is joined by libertarian, former member of the Capitalist Party, and host of the ManPatria podcast, Dumo Denga. They take a scorching hot look at what’s happening in the world of politics and discuss land invasion, whether a new leftist party is a possible solution, cabinet reshuffles, cancel culture and more. Brought to you by Nando’s.

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15.04.21 Pt 2 - Libertarian, former member of the Capitalist Party, and host of the ManPatria podcast, Dumo Denga joins the team to have a candid conversation about Chief Justice Mogoeng, land invasion, the EFF, cancel culture and a whole lot more.

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