07.01.21 Pt 1 - A treasonous mob stormed Capitol Hill in the US, resulting in panic about the veracity of Western Democracy. Don’t see lockdown as a hardship, think of it as a highlights package of what retirement will be like - it might give you an idea of how you’ll age. Finally, as an adult, how often should you be having a physical check up?

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23.11.20 Pt 1 - It's a Covid year, do we still have to go to work functions and endure that awful dry food and that one person who has a crush on us after they've had 8 beers and 6 tequilas professing their love for us... have we not suffered enough in 2020? Are there any family members we are secretly delighted to avoid during this 'new normal' Christmas? Should you be fired for being corrupt?

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Is there collusion between the ANC and the corporate world, and should this concern South Africans moving forward? The IRR and SA citizens have been misled by South African banks, which is being revealed as conversations between government and the big banks spill into the public domain. Our government is out of money... what is left for them to extract from the public coffers? Is the Zondo Commission just a perception management exercise? Are there correlations between South Africa's and Venezuela's economic declines - and should we be observing them closely to avoid the same dreadful fate? Brought to you by Nando’s.

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19.11.20 Pt 2 - Is it acceptable to still be telling dad jokes in 2020 when Tik Tok is a thing? In a liberal democracy, should the citizenry be consulted about all decisions that affect them? So Jacob Zuma basically had a Facebook friend request declined in public, how will he approach this Zondo dilemma? In what feels like a pivotal moment in South Africa's history - the question becomes, how strong is the constitution... and can it withstand the land debate to hold the Republic of South Africa together?

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17.11.20 Pt 1 - If you have the calling you must answer, maybe your real name is Sibusiso and not Michael Smith. What is the best gift during a Covid-Christmas? How should we manage the expectations of children? When should your Christmas tree go up? Should terrorists have rights? It is becoming clear now... Queen Elizabeth is a lizard and will live forever!

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16.11.20 Pt 1 - Life can sometimes literally hamstring you and that ain't pretty. When was the last time you heard sounds coming out of the wrong place in your life? Isn't it great when you’ve had a nightmare in your personal life, and your friends are flourishing and they can't wait to tell you? Listen up you unlovable single men... Leigh-Ann Mol is giving you a list of the best colognes so you can become slightly lovable.

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