George Mienie joins us from a special location this week! Can you guess which country has the most expensive toll road? According to the Budget speech, the fuel levy is going up. And do you know how many cars the Fast & Furious movies have ruined? Powered by AutoTrader.

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26.02.21 Pt 2 - Whatever happened to common decency… is it too much to just give someone a heads up before sending them something disturbing? Anthea Gardner then joins the team for a catch-up, and to share her thoughts on the Budget speech.

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With the recent 2021 fiscal spending plans of the National Budget being unveiled by Finance Minister Tito Mboweni... Gareth, Phumi, and Jamie (lawyer, award-winning debater and political analyst) have a candid conversation about the tax increases, debt to GDP, and our government’s simple-minded approach to solving our current financial issues. Brought to you by Nando’s.

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25.02.21 Pt 2 - Is our government too simple-minded when it comes to the increasing of taxes? Are we underestimating the support that Jacob Zuma may have? Facebook vs the Australian government - digital media seems to be changing right before our eyes.

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25.02.21 Pt 1 - Siya doesn’t know why he’s shocked that Paris Hilton is now 40! A massage with a happy ending… would you book yourself one? Diversity training that urges workers to be “less white” (side-eye).

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23.02.21 Pt 1 - Does Siya have a leg to stand on for feeling uncool this morning? With the increase of violence, Gareth shares the importance of choosing your weapon of protection for the One Thing for the Week. What does Mars sound like? Find out on the show!

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Why did Tito go off script during his Medium Term Budget Speech? Were his comments about Tygerberg Hospital unethical, and how much power does he have in reality? Is SAA a distraction, or simply a failing SOE? It's important to keep an eye on the Zondo Commission so you are better informed for elections. How do we deal with debt and taxes? And the team takes bets on who will win the US election. Brought to you by Nando’s.

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29.10.20 Pt 2 - What is the aim of the Medium Term Budget Speech? Is Tito trustworthy, and how much power does he really have? How can we deal with incompetent and stupid people? If you're angry about the SAA bailouts, don't miss next week's instalment of the Zondo soapie! Who will win the US election? The team places their bets.

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02.03.20 Pt 1 - Can everyone on Earth sing? Even if you can sing, it’s not that impressive. How old is Madonna really? The notion that Bob Dylan is a good singer should make us all sick. If you want to go skiing in Italy, you might die. Ariana Grande is either a big baby, or a tiny adult. If you were homeless, what would you be doing?

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Imagine being the responsible parent in a family where the other parent has spent every cent, saved nothing, borrowed against the house, taken on mountains of credit card debt and siphoned off whatever cash could be found to their lover and their children. That’s what Tito Mboweni has to manage...

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